First semester, 2019 academic year
261216 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineers
261200 - Object-Oriented Programming
Second semester, 2018 academic year
261218 - Algorithms for Computer Engineers
261497-2 - Competitive Programming (selected topics in computer software)
259201-005 - Computer Programming for Engineers
First semester, 2018 academic year
261216 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineers
261200 - Object-Oriented Programming
Fall 2014
CS2112 - Object-Oriented Design and Data Structures - Honors,
discussion sections 201 and 202
Section 201: Tuesdays 12:20-1:10PM, Phillips 403
Section 202: Wednesdays 1:25-2:15PM, Phillips 403
Spring 2012
CS2112 - Object-Oriented Design and Data Structures - Honors,
discussion section 202
Wednesdays 1:25-2:15PM, Hollister 362
Spring 2010
CS1112 - Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB,
discussion sections 204, 206, and 207
Section 204: Tuesdays, 3:35-4:25PM, Upson B7 or Upson 111
Section 206: Wednesdays, 11:15AM-12:05PM, Upson B7 or Olin 216
Section 207: Wednesdays, 12:20-1:10PM, Upson B7 or Upson 109
Fall 2009
CS1112 - Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB,
discussion sections 206, 211, and 212
Section 206: Wednesdays 1:25-2:15PM, Upson B7 or Thurston 205
Section 211: Tuesdays 3:35-4:25PM, Upson B7 or Upson 211
Section 212: Wednesdays 3:35-4:25PM, Upson B7 or Upson 111
Spring 2008
CIS260 - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science,
recitation sections 201 and 204
Section 201: Fridays 2-3PM, Towne 305
Section 204: Fridays 3-4PM, Towne 305
Fall 2007
CIS121 - Programming Languages and Techniques II,
recitation section 204
Tuesdays 3-4PM, Moore 100A

Updated: 07/29/2019